Life and Death (2)

Li Fanxing was going to hold her hand, but stopped awkwardly halfway when she saw the dark grease under the other girl's fingernails.

"Jian Xin'er, is it? We met when we were little," Li Fanxing said politely. "I'm really sorry to… see you like this. Sigh…"

Jian Xin'er snorted. "Cut the crap and get to the point."

Li Fanxing chuckled. "Let me ask you this. Do you know whose fault it is that you're like this now?"

"An Xiaxia, of course!" Jian Xin'er gritted her teeth and her eyes glistened with hatred.

Had it not been for An Xiaxia, Sheng Yize wouldn't have taken it out on the Jian family, they wouldn't have gone bankrupt, and she wouldn't have become a scavenger!

"No, it's not her." Li Fanxing shook her head. "Sigh, how come you still haven't figured it out by now? Sheng Yize is the one you should blame."

Jian Xin'er jolted, apparently unwilling to accept that idea.