Life and Death (10)

An Yibei was silent for quite a while before he said, "I know you're a good kid. Promise me, don't let anything happen to her again. She's the only sister I have… Every time I've seen her cry over you and get hurt because of you, I've wanted to kill you. But you just happen to be the person she likes the most…"

It was such a terrible feeling.

Sheng Yize clenched his fists. Blue veins popped up on the back of his hands and his knuckles turned white.

Someone then arrived while bellowing, "Out of my way! I'm here with a walking blood bank! There! Take as much blood as you need!"

They followed the sound and saw that Qi Yanxi was the one making all the noise. Beside him was a teenager about 186cm tall who looked much more mature and steady. He wore a coat over a simple shirt and had a handsome face and clear eyes. It was just that the corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily at Qi Yanxi's words.