You And Xiaxia Are Over (3)

"I'm doing this for the Sheng family. All I've ever thought about is the wellbeing of Shengshi since I became the CEO… Heh, this is what I get for it in the end?" Sheng Qingyi laughed sarcastically.

Grandpa Sheng stomped his walking stick on the floor. "You're a human being first, then a businessman! What good will any of that do you if you can't even be a proper father? Is money the only thing that'll make you happy?"

This son of his was so cold-blooded. He had deceived and blackmailed his way through his career and had grown into a sinister man. He had almost torn this family apart. This wasn't what Grandpa Sheng had had in mind when he had let Sheng Qingyi run the company.

Sheng Yize asked coldly, "Did you do this to Xiaxia?"

"So what if I did?" Sheng Qingyi stared back, his posture as stately as ever.

The room felt like a smoky battlefield and it seemed a deadly conflict could break out at any moment.