I Want to Tell You So Much (3)

Su Xiaomo stopped crying abruptly and stared at He Jiayu as if he had lost his mind.

"Dude, we're all buddies here. What can't I touch?"

He Jiayu fought hard to stop himself from punching her. "But you're a woman! A woman! A WOMAN! I've said it three times for emphasis! If I touch your breasts now, you'd chop me to pieces instead of shouting at me."

Su Xiaomo rolled her eyes. "I have no boobs. Here, help yourself."

She stuck out her chest, looking as tough as ever.

"…" He Jiayu was defeated.

"There, there. Go to sleep." He Jiayu wrapped the duvet tightly around Su Xiaomo and wouldn't let go despite Su Xiaomo's fierce struggles. His tone, however, remained kind. "Sleep — now —"

Seeing that her struggles were to no avail, Su Xiaomo mumbled and soon fell asleep.

He Jiayu climbed off the bed, dropped his forehead into one hand to compose his thoughts, then left Su Xiaomo's place, still sighing.