I'm As Good As Sheng Yize

As the saying went: Don't say something you can't take back, even in a fight.

However, after learning from An Yibei all these years, An Xiaxia was an expert at hitting her enemies right where it hurt the most.

This woman wanted a fight? Fine. Bring it on!

Song Qingchen had already experienced An Xiaxia's fierce combat style before, but those words still made her sway a little.

An Xiaxia was right. She was a homewrecker. No matter how much the innocent she played and how much she wailed, it wouldn't change that fact.

"And now he's mine!" Song Qingchen's eyes were fighting bright. An Xiaxia shrugged. "Fine, he's yours. Congratulations on achieving the title of 'homewrecker.' Hello, Homewrecker Song. Bye, Homewrecker Song!"

Qi Yanxi added, "Sister Homewrecker, do come back and visit us sometime. I can introduce you to some married men, so you can get more practice."