Watch This, Bitch

"I have no idea what you're talking about!" Li Fanxing struggled free and pulled herself out of the toilet. Her face and hair were all soaked and she made a very sorry picture.

An Xiaxia took hold of her hair and banged her head against the door!

"Stop pretending already! You were the one who leaked that photo back then, weren't you? No one but a member of the crew could have taken that photo! The uploader is someone familiar with the grudges between me, Sheng Yize, and Song Qingchen, knows about Sheng Yize's background, and can take those intimate pictures in Qixia… Putting all those clues together, you're the only candidate!"

An Xiaxia was genuinely enraged. All this time, the person that had been plotting against her and setting her up was none other than Li Fanxing!

Her post was also trying to make it difficult for An Xiaxia to keep a foothold in Qixia.

However, it in turn exposed her identity!