Go Wash Up

Cheeks flushing, An Xiaxia pointed at Sheng Yize. "You – you – you… I – I…"

How could Sheng Yize be this lecherous!

"The rabbit just walked into my pot voluntarily; why should I turn it down?" After saying that matter-of-factly, he gave her another kiss. Watching the little woman as she grew increasingly shy, Sheng Yize had never felt that life could be this sweet before.

He bent down and helped An Xiaxia into the slippers himself.

After leading the little woman into the living room, Sheng Yize couldn't help but pinch An Xiaxia's cheek.

She was real, wasn't she? Not some illusion he had conjured up himself because of how lovesick he was?

An Xiaxia brushed off his hand and said earnestly, "I saw what you sent me, so… here I am."

Fighting back his surging excitement, Sheng Yize muttered a quiet "hm." However, his fists clenched involuntarily.

He had never expected An Xiaxia to come all the way to another country to find him!