The Manual For Flirting With An Idol (2)

Sheng Yize watched her with an impassive face — one could almost describe his facial expression as hopeless.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

The little woman blushed prettily; even the skin behind her ears was red. She tilted her head and racked her brain, which reminded him so much of her failed attempt to recall a text she had memorized.

"I'm flirting with you, Mr. Idol!" An Xiaxia roared in her head.

It was all Momo's fault! That script she had given An Xiaxia was so difficult. After a long while, she was finally able to go on. "You mischievous thing, refusing to admit your true feelings! Deny your love for me all you want, but your body is already responding!"

Sheng Yize was speechless.

The difference between their heights was too big and An Xiaxia barely reached his shoulder even standing on her toes. According to the manual, she was supposed to force a kiss on him…