Shy? It's Nothing You Haven't Seen Before

Li Fanxing held his arm affectionately and wouldn't have minded being taken advantage of at all.

"It's our swimming class. Why are you here?"

"Our classes are having it together," replied Li Fanxing with a cloying giggle. "Did you hear about Songsong? We're all family friends and what happened to the Song family is quite a big deal. I think we should go visit her together."

Qi Yanxi gave her a crooked smile. "Sorry, not interested."

The look on Li Fanxing's face froze for a second at those words. Qi Yanxi then darted a look at her and saw that she was wearing a bikini, apparently not stingy at all about showing off her nice body.

Sensing Qi Yanxi's gaze, Li Fanxing leaned over a little, giving him a wonderful view of her full bosom.

Qi Yanxi whistled frivolously. "Very nice."

Li Fanxing's smile widened. Men indeed thought with their dicks.