Song Qingchen Is a Fake!

The summer mountain breeze was warm on the skin without being uncomfortably hot.

Sheng Yize looked calmly into her eyes, but An Xiaxia felt a tumult of emotions sweep over her. She was on edge.

"I…" She was conflicted, not sure whether to tell him or not.

Sheng Yize loved her very much, so he would believe anything she said, wouldn't he?

She took a deep breath and picked her words carefully. "I remembered when I was little… before the An family took me in…"

Sheng Yize shuddered and his pupils contracted.

She remembered…

She had actually remembered!

Without knowing it, his breathing turned shallow. An Xiaxia went on in her sweet voice, "Actually, I've always known… I'm not my dad's real child. I only pretended I didn't know… But Dad and Brother have always treated me so well like I'm their real family…"

They had cared so much for her that they thought she had forgotten about the adoption after the psychological treatment.