I Just Want to Hug You (1)

As a matter of fact, An Xiaxia regretted it a little.

However, she wasn't going to admit it to Mr. Song and she glared at him. "Regret it or not, it's my own business! Stay away from me!"

Stay away from me…

Those words felt like daggers in Mr. Song's heart.

He dabbed his eyes with a handkerchief and rose to his feet. "In that case, I have nothing to say to you. Keep this check in a safe place. Don't tear it up or try to return it. I've given it to you and it's yours to keep. You don't need it now, but it may come in handy one day. Moral integrity is important, but so is life."

Mr. Song bowed a little and once more looked the polite gentleman from when they had first met. An Xiaxia was going to tear that check in half, but somehow, she stopped at those words.

Instinct was telling her that although Mr. Song seemed weird, to some extent, he genuinely cared about her.