A Tiger in a Pig's Costume (1)

Su Xiaomo grabbed his sleeve and looked up at him, her eyes flickering with admiration.

Had she drawn too many romantic comics? Why did this feel so sweet? Even if she knew she looked stupid, she couldn't help but giggle.

He Jiayu was… so handsome…

Wild Curly Hair put on a long face. "No, please don't! I was just kidding… Flower on Street, please finish your work! The magazine is off to be printed tomorrow afternoon and without your new release, your readers will set our office on fire!"

She looked as if she was going to kneel down, which made Su Xiaomo feel sorry for her. With a hand on her forehead, Su Xiaomo said, "Fine, I'll finish it…"

"You're the best!" Wild Curly Hair was elated. She then gave He Jiayu a wondering look. "And this is…"

"Oh, my boyfriend," Su Xiaomo said matter-of-factly.