We're Not Friends Anymore

An Xiaxia blushed right away!

Oh god! There was someone else on the rooftop!

Had that person been watching the whole time while she and Sheng Yize were kissing?!

No!!! Was there still time for her to jump off this roof?

Unlike his flustered girlfriend, Sheng Yize was perfectly composed. He pulled An Xiaxia into his arms and said calmly, "I don't think a peeping Tom is in the right position to say that."

An Xiaxia realized right away: He was right! What was wrong with this person? Spying on them, then calling them disgusting?

She turned around and glanced at the person.

Boom —

An Xiaxia felt like she had been electrocuted.

Mu Li! It was Mu Li!

She held a notebook in her hands and her long hair flapped in the wind. She stared at An Xiaxia with the most malicious look, as if she was trying to drill a hole through her skin!

An Xiaxia broke into a cold sweat. Mu Li looked so terrifying now!