Murderer's Daughter (1)

She stood in the corridor alone and watched people come and go, as if everything that had happened was a dream.

But the nightmare seemed to never end.

She took a taxi home. Cozy light filled the room after she switched the lamp on, but it only made her cold to the bones.

Then there was the sound of her cell phone's ringtone. An Xiaxia searched every corner of the room before digging her phone out from under the sofa.

"An Xiaxia, I almost feel sorry for your bad luck! Haha, I didn't do anything this time. The relative of a doctor involved in that operation reported your dad. Let me guess. Are you huddled in a corner and crying at the moment? I'm cracking up here. Good luck and bye~" Li Fanxing's frenzied laugh filled An Xiaxia's ears. Her face drained of all color as her phone slipped out of her hand.

Don't cry…

She had to have faith in An Yibei. Even if the case went to court, her brother would surely be able to defend her dad…