Break Up With Him (1)

Qi Yanxi dragged Mu Li all the way to the rooftop and shoved her at the wall. "Are you crazy?! Huh? Mu Li, I've finally seen what you've become!"

He had met Sheng Yize earlier in the carpark and the two of them had bantered all the way to the classroom. When they'd reached the corridor, they'd just been in time to hear the conversation between Mu Li and An Xiaxia.

He still remembered her as that pure and frail girl. Since when had she turned into this aggressive, vicious woman?

Mu Li smiled sadly. "You think I'm crazy? Be my guest…"

He had no idea what had turned her into this!

Qi Yanxi's hands moved lightning fast as he wrapped his fingers around Mu Li's neck and pinned her to the side of the roof wall. His voice was devoid of all warmth. "If I catch you doing that to An Xiaxia again, you'll be saying goodbye to Qixia!"