Break Up With Him (4)

Sheng Yize gave him a "you know nothing, Qi Yanxi" look and prompted, "Stop bullshitting around! Light a cigarette and make some noise!"

Both of them were slightly surprised right after he said that.

Back when they had been abroad in the elite school together, this used to be exactly how they did things when they wanted to do something very naughty and inappropriate…

Sheng Yize was the planner and Qi Yanxi the muscle. Afterwards, they would have a good laugh together in some secret corner.

But neither of them were the melodramatic type. They only paused for a brief moment before briskly moving into action.

Qi Yanxi lit a cigarette to ignite the fuse. Sheng Yize then tossed the whole thing into the courtyard of the house. Instantly, deafening crackling sounds filled the air.