I'm Leaving You (2)

Time seemed to stop and neither of them spoke.

An Xiaxia took a few deep breaths and repeated, "I'm leaving you."

The grip around her waist tightened suddenly, so tight that she almost cried out in pain.

It was painful, but the pain was nothing compared to how she felt inside.

Sheng Yize sounded vexed. "An Xiaxia, can you not say that all the time? It's not funny at all!"

"I mean it." An Xiaxia tried her best to make her tone casual. "Look, we're not right for each other. I'm sure we won't be happy even if we stay together for now. I'm just a common girl. I want to graduate from high school, get into a college, and marry some common guy. I'm always on tenterhooks when I'm with you and I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster all the time. Nothing in our future is for certain. Life is just too short for me to bet on it."