Thank You for Letting Me Down (2)

The boy was the only one laughing, and a moment later, he finally realized something wasn't right. Looking around, he felt like slapping himself!

You big mouth!

"Brother Ze… I – I was only joking… Heh."

"Was it funny?" Sheng Yize's black eyes seemed to be smiling. The boy swallowed. "It wasn't… I'll drink! Drink!"

He was going to copy the first boy and have three shots when Sheng Yize pushed a dozen bottles toward him.

"You're going to punish yourself? Be my guest." The boy cried inwardly at Sheng Yize's cold tone.

None of the others dared defy Sheng Yize at this point and everyone played dead.

The boy put on a despondent face. After this much alcohol, he would probably wake up in a hospital.

"Guys… call 120 for me later…"

The others nodded solemnly, indicating that they would collect his remains.