Thank You for Letting Me Down (5)

About an hour later, An Yibei finally showed up.

Driving past the parking lot, An Xiaxia noticed that Sheng Yize's car was still there.

A fist seemed to clench around her heart and she dug her fingers into her palms until blood came out.

She could still hear Sheng Yize's question in her ears: do you have a heart at all?

Of course she did. Splitting up with someone you like and feeling nothing? No one could be that cold-blooded.

After they got back home and before she could say anything, An Yibei said casually, "We're moving. I'll take care of your school transfer in a couple of days."

It took An Xiaxia a moment to realize that An Yibei had just told her that they were moving house!

"Why?" An Xiaxia blurted out. Subconsciously, she still didn't want to leave.

An Yibei adjusted his glasses. "You broke up with Sheng Yize and you proposed it yourself, didn't you?"

An Xiaxia was rendered speechless.