Thank You for Letting Me Down (8)

Sheng Yize regained consciousness that same night.

Grandpa and Grandma Sheng were sitting on the sofa in the ward. They rushed to his side as soon as they saw him wake up.

"My little one, how do you feel? Doctor… get a doctor in here!"

His black eyelashes batted and Sheng Yize shook his head. "I'm fine."

Li Fanxing cried prettily on the side. "I'm so sorry… My driver was driving too fast and he didn't horn. That's why we crashed into Yize's car… Grandma, grandpa, beat me or excoriate me for what I did. I'm truly sorry…"

Grandma Sheng said mildly, "That's ok, Fanxing. Don't cry. I know you didn't do it on purpose. Yize is fine now, isn't he? You really shouldn't blame yourself."

"Thank you, grandma." Li Fanxing wiped the corners of her eyes and was very pleased with herself. I'm sorry, but I actually did do it on purpose.