She's Mine (2)

He Dongyang looked shocked. "That's impossible! She's only just graduated from college and doesn't even have a boyfriend! How can she be married?"

The man said lazily, "She got married at 20. Don't blame others for your own ignorance."

He Dongyang's face turned very grim. He obviously didn't believe it.

The man then casually tossed him a small red booklet. He Dongyang took one look and was astonished.

It was a marriage certificate!

Inside was a photo of An Xiaxia and this man and the names on the certificate read "Sheng Yize" and "An Xiaxia." It had the stamp, the seal, everything…

An Xiaxia was married?

That was why she didn't have any friends and kept a proper distance from guys…

So, the excuse she used when she turned guys down was true. She indeed had someone she liked!

He Dongyang felt as if he had just been struck by lightning and didn't know how to react to the news!

He had been crushing on a married woman…!