What If I Love You? (6)

An Xiaxia checked the time involuntarily. It was just past midnight.

His call had come through two minutes after the reception came back on…

Had he been calling her this whole time?

"Speak! Are you her… " Sheng Yize's pitch dropped. "Are you paramedics? Rescue team? Or did you pick up her phone somewhere…"

He was coming up with every possibility there was. An Xiaxia replied in a hurry, "It's me."

She could hear Sheng Yize let out a breath of relief, then he asked in a harsh tone, "Where exactly are you in Zhu County?"

Why was he asking that? It wasn't as if he could get there now… Despite her unspoken sarcasm, An Xiaxia still told him her whereabouts.

She then heard Sheng Yize say calmly, "I see."

"Wait, wasn't it an earthquake?" An Xiaxia asked anxiously.