What If I Love You? (9)

An Xiaxia froze on the spot. Had it not been for Sheng Yize beside her, she would have collapsed.

She called Zhou Shiqiao right away, who told her in a sorry tone, "The last terrorist had bombs on him… Kang Jian sacrificed himself to save the others and died together with that man… The explosion practically razed the whole area… They couldn't even retrieve his body…"

An Xiaxia bit down hard on her hand, forcing back her tears.

"What's wrong?" Sheng Yize asked with a frown.

An Xiaxia's eyes were bloodshot red as she murmured, "Kang Jian is dead…"

Sheng Yize hadn't seen that coming.

He could still recall how sadly An Xiaxia had cried when Kang Jian left to join the army.

It had just been another departure back then, but that person was gone forever now.

There was nothing Sheng Yize could do about it. He was just another human being with no power over life or death.