You're Everything I Like (3)

Si Yu shivered and dropped the phone on the floor with a crack.

He climbed off the bed in a hurry and scrambled to put his pants back on, forcing a smile. "Oh my… Mr. Sheng, this is… such a coincidence!"

Sheng Yize smiled back. "Yes, what a small world."

Si Yu's mouth went dry and he racked his brain, trying to find a way out.

"Hm…" The tiny moan brought Si Yu back to reality.

"Gosh! Miss Song isn't ill, is she? We should get her to a hospital!" Si Yu looked anxious.

Sheng Yize marched in, smiling as mildly as a spring breeze. "Sure. How about joining us, Young Master Si?"

Si Yu was then punched in his stomach!

He groaned. Immediately after that, punches and kicks rained down. He tried to fight back, but soon realized that he was hopelessly outmatched…

It only took three minutes for Sheng Yize to turn him into a bleeding, bruised pulp. Si Yu rolled around on the floor, howling like a pig in the slaughterhouse.