I'm Not Done with You (12)

"F**k you!" Su Xiaomo gave him the finger.

"Excuse me?" He Jiayu raised an eyebrow. "I'll leave without you, then."

Su Xiaomo was vexed. "Hey, wait for me! I'm your ex-girlfriend at least! Be kind!"

He Jiayu snorted, got out, and carried her back into the car before driving her home.

"Why do you hate your parents so much?" He Jiayu asked.

Su Xiaomo rubbed at the sore muscles on her waist. "None of your business."

"You're right. An ex-boyfriend must be no more than a rag to you." He Jiayu chuckled self-mockingly. Somehow, that made Su Xiaomo panic a little.

She had taken He Jiayu's gentleness and indulgence for granted this whole time. Little did she realize that he was a human being as well and what she did could hurt him…

"I'm sorry…" Su Xiaomo's eyelashes quivered.

He Jiayu softened in the end. Pulling her into his arms, he comforted her in his gentle voice. "Get some sleep. Good night."