I Love You and Everyone Knows It (2)

Sheng Yize said awkwardly, "You're the dumb one…"

"Give in already!" An Xiaxia made faces at him. "Is it that hard to admit that you like me?"

"Go to bed! Do you know what time it is? I'm going to spank you if you don't sleep now!" With a scowl, Sheng Yize took her by the back of her collar and dragged her toward their bedroom. An Xiaxia flailed all four limbs, shouting, "I love you and everyone knows it~ Lalala~ Why, that's such an icky line. I can use it in my novel!"

Thump —

Sheng Yize tossed her onto the bed and snapped, "Use it and I'll break your leg!"

"… You're so savage." An Xiaxia shuddered. She rolled around in bed, then stuck her head out. "Let's buy little Hope some milk powder tomorrow!"

"Hm? Sure." He had no objections.