I Will Marry You (5)

It took An Xiaxia a little while to realize something was off.

On any other normal day, Sheng Yize would have charged at her by now, but where was he today?

She patted her own head. "An Xiaxia, are you masochistic? It's better now that he's not coming after you! Hmph!"

An Xiaxia walked a few more steps before hesitating.

He said he didn't feel well… What if it was something serious…

No, no, he had to be lying to her! He was probably snickering in his car at that moment and would only laugh at her when she ran all the way back…

However —

Biting her lip, she still trotted back.

She was terrified as soon as she opened the car door.

"Sheng Yize! Hey! Wake up!" She called his name, but Sheng Yize only lay still with his eyes closed.

He wasn't faking it.

He had really passed out.

An Xiaxia didn't dare dally and called his driver right away.