I'm Your Own Guardian Angel (9)

Chi Yuanfeng cried out, hammering his chest, "Shit! You two are heartless!"

A star like him should have known better than to take a vacation in Fang Shanshan's territory! Now he was at the mercy of these two she-wolves!

It was his own fault, really. He had been dumb enough to believe Fang Shanshan when she sniveled and whimpered, saying that she was home alone and sick.

He could even hear the rumbling thunder on Fang Shanshan's end when she called him, which softened him right away. He put off all his work and flew out here that same night.

Little did he know…

Fang Shanshan was home alone alright — together with over 100 servants and 200 bodyguards…

Fang Shanshan indeed wasn't feeling well, because she had gotten her period and was having cramps…

What he heard was indeed the sound of thunder, but it was a thunderstorm scene from the ghost movie she had been watching…