Never a Decent Man (5)

Her soft voice was almost pleading. Sheng Yize eventually gave in and let go of her.

He went to take a shower. After he came back out, his little woman had fallen asleep.

Watching her peaceful sleeping face, Sheng Yize felt a hole in his chest fill up.

It was as if with An Xiaxia around, there were no more regrets in his life.


The night passed without incident.

Sheng Yize took An Xiaxia to the general meeting. An Xiaxia was still wrapped in thick layers from head to toe, which pleased Sheng Yize very much.

That was what one was supposed to wear in winter.

Just look at all those women out there walking around in miniskirts and bare legs in winter. Wouldn't they freeze?

His wife looked so warm and adorable in her thick clothes!

An Xiaxia couldn't begin to roll her eyes at him. "I can't even be bothered to comment on your taste…"