Nothing Feels as Good as Sleeping With You (7)

The man's gaze shifted slowly and only then did he spot the petite pretty woman behind Sheng Yize.

She had a small face and bright black eyes. Her waist was a little thick for her build, but one could tell at a glance that she wasn't chubby, but pregnant.

The man finally woke up from his trance and realized that he was looking at Sheng Yize's wife!

Recalling the indiscreet comment he had just made, he almost wanted to slap himself.

Mentioning some secretary in front of his wife? He had to be out of his mind!

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sheng. I'm not from Yu City and I didn't know you were married…" the man said in an ingratiating tone.

Sheng Yize smiled. "You know now."

"Yes! Yes, of course!"

Those that had heard the conversation spread the news and right away, everyone in the room knew that Sheng Yize and An Xiaxia were married!