You're All Suspects (2)

An Xiaxia looked surprised, Li Canxing turned pale, while Li Fanxing remained unperturbed. She even picked up a glass and drank from it.

Xiao Cheng's eyes scanned the room, taking in everyone's reactions.

"Tell me where you were and what you were doing the day Song Shi was killed. Leave nothing out!"

Li Canxing said, "I was shopping, I can show you the receipt. I was on a flight back home after leaving duty free."

Li Fanxing said, "I was on a flight that day. Officer, you're welcome to check my itinerary."

An Xiaxia racked her brain. "I think I was… sleeping…"

Xiao Cheng pressed her right away. "Can anyone vouch for that?"

An Xiaxia shook her head honestly.

"But I did receive two text messages from Song Shi." An Xiaxia handed Xiao Cheng her phone.

Xiao Cheng took one glance and smirked. "Stop pretending. Song Shi was already dead by that time. How could he have sent you those messages?"