Don't Mess with a Scheming Guy (4)

Despite that heartwarming smile on his face, An Xiaxia shuddered.

"No, no… I can run. I can…" She let go of the telegraph pole and trudged on.

Sheng Yize jogged with ease while she panted and followed him on her short legs.

When they were finally done and got back home, Sheng Yize fed Cola and Pepsi first, then darted her a glance. "Aren't you going to make us some breakfast?"

"Huh?" An Xiaxia was baffled. "Me? Cook?"

Sheng Yize had never let her into the kitchen since they got married.

For one, he doted on her. For another… she was really a terrible cook…

Sheng Yize nodded.

"Alright… I'll make us something." Since Sheng Yize had always cooked for the both of them, An Xiaxia thought it only fair that she cook for once.

Half an hour later, she set the dishes on the table.