Learn to Let Go (4)

An Xiaxia said yes, her voice barely audible.

Even though she knew about Kang Jian's feelings for her now, she couldn't do anything other than feel apologetic.

Kang Jian scratched his head, looking vexed.

"Worthless Kang… I'm flattered by your feelings for me… but I already have someone I love. I have my family and my life now. What's the point of keeping me here? Rather than waste your time on me, I think you should really try to find someone you like, who also likes you. Love should be an attraction felt by both sides."

Hearing An Xiaxia's soft voice, a bitter taste filled Kang Jian's mouth.

Love should be an attraction felt by both sides, not a one-sided thing.

Or it would just be unrequited love.

A fierce look flickered in his eyes and he suddenly approached An Xiaxia like a wolf in the wilderness.