I Can Live Without Her (2)

"But you've been married, like, for ages…" An Xiaxia was confused.

These were simply too many coincidences in one day!

Su Xiaomo cleared her throat and took He Jiayu's arm. "Honey, do you love me?"

The skin behind He Jiayu's ears turned pink. Embarrassed as he was, he still gave her a little nod.

"See? He loves me and I love him. We're such a sweet couple, so every day is like a honeymoon to us." Su Xiaomo gave An Xiaxia a bright smile, then sat down next to her. "What about you guys? Where are you going?"

An Xiaxia didn't give that question a second thought. She told Su Xiaomo everything, including their whole itinerary.

Su Xiaomo and Fang Shanshan exchanged looks, then gestured with an "OK" at each other.

Sheng Yize saw what was going on and put a hand to his forehead in resignation. An Xiaxia was as naive as she always was, not realizing that they were about to have a lot of third wheels on this trip.