I'm Pepsi's Future Husband (9)

Sheng Yize said vaguely, "All kids are like this when they're sick. They whine, that's all… You and Pepsi make two crying babies here."

Still teary-eyed, An Xiaxia lowered her head.

"It's late. Go to bed." Sheng Yize rubbed her head.

Pepsi was exhausted from crying and sobbed sporadically, looking very pitiful.

"Aah… wah…" Flailing his limbs happily, Cola tried to stuff his milk bottle into Pepsi's hands.

Sheng Yize chuckled. "I see that the little brat is quite considerate."

An Xiaxia wanted to tell him that it was more likely because Cola had stuffed himself full…

However, it was indeed very rare to see such harmonious interactions between the two kids. An Xiaxia even took a picture of the twins. She only went back to her room after putting the babies to sleep.

After the long trip and being worried about the babies the entire time, An Xiaxia was exhausted inside out. She soon fell asleep.