He Didn't Come Back (8)

His long fingers were dancing quickly on the keyboard and he was frowning a little, but the look in his eyes was dogged and resolute, and reminded one of a deep pool.

In that moment, An Xiaxia agreed more than ever that an earnest man was the most attractive.

Hearing An Xiaxia's footsteps, Sheng Yize looked up and saw the red-eyed An Xiaxia, who reminded him of a rabbit. She wasn't wearing any shoes and she was so nervous that her toes had all curled up.

In her hand was his phone.

Sheng Yize now knew what it was like to feel the entire world collapse around him in an instant.

He closed the laptop, rose to his feet, and opened his mouth, but no words would come out.

"Sheng Yize." After a moment, An Xiaxia ended up being the first to speak. "I want to tell you that I'm sorry…"

"Come over here." Sheng Yize rubbed his forehead and sighed.