He Didn't Come Back (12)

An Xiaxia realized that this couldn't be the actual order in which the questions were asked during the interview, but had been edited.

Sheng Yize smiled, which was unbelievably mesmerizing.

"The answer is going to be very long. Do you want to hear it?"

The camera switched to the reporter, who nodded repeatedly with flushed cheeks.

An Xiaxia was speechless. This guy was a portable pheromone dispenser, seducing women wherever he went!

Sheng Yize seemed to search his memories for a moment, before giving his unhurried reply. "I was seven when we first met. She was a chubby girl then. I wouldn't call her pretty, but… she was adorable, very adorable. I guess it was probably… love at first sight for me?"

Even he blushed a little at this and the reporter interjected enviously, "So, you two were childhood sweethearts!"