I'm Proud of You (2)

Su Xiaomo was in tears again.

She took the phone and read the message He Jiayu sent.

It was very brief.

"I'm safe. Don't worry. Very busy. Can't be home for the moment. Take good care of Cuddlie. More importantly, take good care of yourself. HJY."

He seemed to be in a hurry and didn't even have time to type out his full name, but used the abbreviation instead.

"Xiaxia… he's alright! Look! He says he's safe!" Su Xiaomo cried and laughed at the same time. Only when she wiped away her tears did she realize that her palms were covered in sweat.

"That's great news!"

An Xiaxia fetched a hot towel and cleaned Su Xiaomo's face for her.

After she calmed down, Su Xiaomo said self-mockingly, "I didn't know I could actually cry…"

"You're a human being, not a robot. I'm here for you, you know?" An Xiaxia said earnestly. Su Xiaomo pinched her cheek and sneered. "You little dummy who cries all the time, what good can you do?"