Forget Me and Find Someone Nicer (7)

Fang Shanshan laughed until tears came to her eyes. "Fengfeng… you're so gullible!"

Chi Yuanfeng said shyly, "I think what Uncle said totally makes sense…"

Fang Shanshan would only be happier from now on!

"If you will excuse us, please. I need to speak to Shanshan in private." Fang Liyuan turned to Chi Yuanfeng, who nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him as he walked out.

Fang Liyuan turned stern as soon as Chi Yuanfeng was gone. "My opinion hasn't changed. I don't like this man."

He was too simple and ignorant. He didn't belong to Fang Shanshan's world.

They argued for a long while until Fang Shanshan snapped and bellowed, "Hey! I told you already! He's the man I chose, so Uncle, please just leave me alone. This is my own life!" Fang Shanshan's cheeks puffed out like an angry puppy.

Fang Liyuan snorted. "Fine. I'll leave you alone. But, someone will show up to compete with him fair and square."