The Big Fat Wedding (20)

Ai Bao bit her lip, feeling that she no longer knew the man in front of her.

There was a time when his affectionate songs had brought her warmth every single night. She had indulged and lost herself in his voice.

She didn't fall in love with him, exactly. It was just that she got used to him caring for her. So one thing led to another, she said yes, and they became a couple.

But that was as far as they went.

After she was swindled out of her money, Ai Bao had thought up all sorts of excuses — he could be short on cash or he could simply have a bad memory. When she looked back on it now, she saw that she was only deceiving herself.

An Yibei came prepared. "I have the money ready. It's right outside."

Wu Hanxiao frowned. "You can make the payment via Alipay like just then."

He then took out his phone in a matter-of-fact manner.

His manager was no longer trying to disguise his repulsion.