The Marriage Certificate of Little Bai and Pepsi (3)

Do you have a very close friend that was there for you since you were naive and ignorant until you grew into a more mature and level-headed adult?

Maybe you used to detest and pick on one another, or laugh at each other's hairstyle and the stupid things the other person did, but when you experienced a setback, fell into a predicament, or were insulted, he or she would be the first one to step out, protect you, comfort you, and offer you a shoulder to lean on.

Do you still remember that person?

An Xiaxia's first memory of Kang Jian was when she was nine and a Year 4 primary school student.

She barely had any schooling when she was little, and given that one year of abusive life with her foster father, she didn't even know how to read or write.

On the day she was transferred to Experimental Primary School, the class teacher walked her into the classroom.