Until We’re Both Hoary-Haired (23)

Unpopular shows like these couldn't get good sponsors.

And the result of that was — the crew had little money to spend.

In turn, the destination the show had chosen was — here in Yu City!

They were fine visiting museums in the city, but the planning unit somehow thought it would be a great idea to make the theme "going back to the countryside and reliving the old days."

An Xiaxia looked at this in despair. "Do you think we should quit?"

Su Xiaomo nodded repeatedly. "We so should!"

Sensing their intentions, a bunch of people surrounded them and pleaded, "Miss Break Stones on My Chest and Miss Shatter Diamonds with Bare Hands, please stay… we're begging you!"

Neither Su Xiaomo nor An Xiaxia was good at refusing people, and the two women eyed each other awkwardly.

"If you want, we can get on our knees… sob…"