Until We’re Both Hoary-Haired (26)

All the other three male guests looked embarrassed.

They didn't know how to cook…

The women, on the other hand, were excited, and were already chatting about what ingredients to get.

The crew then gave each of them an envelope. Opening them, they realized that they had only been given 50 yuan each.

A hush fell over the site.

What could one buy with 50 yuan? Apparently, none of them had any idea.

As the designated cooks in their households, Sheng Yize and He Jiayu were well-versed in that area. They each beckoned their wives over and left them with some instructions.

An Xiaxia and Su Xiaomo then happily set out for the market with their baskets.

The other three male guests were calling out to their partners, "Just get some cup noodles! And some sausages and eggs!"

"Get some rice! We'll make porridge! And some pickles, too!"

The women then left in turn.