Flower Qi, We Love You (1)

Both men turned to her and said in unison, "It's nothing."

That only baffled An Xiaxia further.

Sheng Yize cleared his throat. "Did you wash your hair yesterday?"

"Wait… is it really greasy?" An Xiaxia blushed. "I'll go wash it now!"

She didn't get to wash it in the village yesterday, so it was probably a little dirty.

Once she was gone, Sheng Yize asked the nanny to take the three kids to wash up, then darted a look at Qi Yanxi. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Screw you! That has nothing to do with you!" said Qi Yanxi cockily. Sheng Yize didn't lose his temper, but only chuckled. "I see you've grown a temper, huh? Fine, take a left turn once you're out the door and stand in the middle of the road. I couldn't care less if you die or not!"

Qi Yanxi bickered with him as usual until he suddenly dropped his head and said in a defeated voice, "Damn it. In the end, you're still the one who sticks around to squabble with me…"