My Precious Wife (4)

A hush fell over the cafeteria. Tang Yuan's eyes were wide open when he stammered out, "Y- you two…"

He thought that An Yibei wasn't willing to go public with it.

However… wasn't this a bit too much?

Ai Bao was equally astonished. She sat there dazed, not knowing how to react.

"I don't think I'm so desperate that I need to sell my body for her love," said An Yibei unhurriedly. "Although, if my dear Baobao wants to seduce me, I'm more than happy to oblige."

Tang Yuan swallowed and played along. "Yes. Yes, of course. How I envy you two."

An Yibei had always been a man of few words, but he made the effort to explain himself today. "It's only natural that I should take good care of Baobao. After all, I asked for her hand first and I'm very serious about this relationship. I'm ready to marry her one day."