I Can Use Fireball Magic Too!


The throng roared after falling silent for a while. They found it hard to believe that such a small human could smash a Frost Dragon.

"Wow! Half-beard Grandpa is amazing!" Amy exclaimed as she clapped her little hands, wide-eyed. She gazed at his staff, blue eyes glinting with excitement. His staff is so powerful! If I can have it…

Mag was also taken aback. He is already over 120. Of course he didn't break the dragon with his own strength. His perfect use and control of his magic is astounding.

"Such a fearsome old man!" Sargeras' two companions said, terrified. They had never thought the old man would beat the dragon, which had scared the heck out of them, with only one swing of his staff. The old man's power shocked them. They had considered "mankind" a byword for weakness before, but now they found them powerful and gruesome.