I Can Wear It When I Learn How To Cook From Father

The six restaurateurs were taken by surprise. They had not expected to hear this question from the owner's daughter; for a moment, they didn't know how to answer.

More people recognized them now that Amy had pointed them out. Are they really here to make trouble? they wondered

Krassu and Urien turned to look. They'd better not try and do anything stupid here.

Brandli was also looking at them with surprise. They must be insane if they think they can make waves here.

"I used to visit your restaurants. The pork steak must be very tasty, and the green onion bing smells good too!" Amy continued. Then, her face changed. "But what're you doing in our restaurant? You're welcome to eat here. Father's rainbow fried rice and roujiamo are really delicious.

"You don't want to look for trouble here. You don't want to make me angry," Amy said solemnly, shaking her little fists in anger.