He Might Be A Doctor Or Something

Parbor nodded. "Fat kitten…" He extended his arms to take it.

The customers were astonished. They had thought she would say something hurtful and never let him touch the kitten, but she was acting like a sweet big sister now.

It was the first time they had seen the softer side of her. Parbor smiled happily, holding the kitten in his arms.

I knew that deep down she's kind and nice. Mag smiled. He had worried that Amy might have trouble making friends because of her acid tongue, but it had turned out she was doing just fine.

Looks like Parmer still hasn't got over the frustration from the other day. He is so competitive, Luna thought, looking at Parmer. Then she smiled when she turned to look at Amy and Parbor. Attagirl! You're still that same kind child who used to share pancakes with others.