Wow, They’re So Cool!

Mag took two steps back and nodded as he looked at Amy. She looked cool as well as cute. This clothing combination was really eye-catching. He felt really proud of himself.

"How do I look, Father?" Amy asked, excited.

"You look wonderful!"

"I'm a magic caster!" She clenched her little fists and started running around the room happily, with Ugly Duckling running behind her.

She might become a superwoman after she masters Krassu's melee magic. Looking at the cape floating behind her, Mag smiled.

The little girl ran into the next room and checked herself in the mirror. Then she turned to Mag. "Can you do two ponytails for me today, Father?"

Mag nodded. "Sure." It's the first time she wants me to change her hairdo; she must be really excited for school. He quickly did two ponytails for her. The ponytails did go better with the robe.