It’s A Dish With A Lot Of Meat

"What's this?" Gloria asked curiously as she looked at the colorful, aromatic food. She didn't want to get back to check her freckles now.

Lucia smiled. "It's called Yangzhou fried rice, and the little owner here calls it rainbow fried rice." She brought some into her mouth, savoring the flavor.

Lucia got used to eating three meals here every day. At this rate, the scars on her arms would be gone in a few days.

Her skin had become softer and whiter. She had decided to come eat here every day even after her scars were completely gone. The food worked better than any skin creams.

Gloria picked up the spoon and paused for a moment. He must be dexterous of hand and inventive of mind if he could chop everything into the same size and then mix it perfectly together. It's such a beautiful and enticing dish.

Out of curiosity, Gloria spooned some into her mouth. Her eyes curved in a smile.